

文章出处:开云app官方下载 人气:发表时间:2023-10-01 00:40
本文摘要:又是一年结业季,在完成结业论文的瞬间,几年的生活便悄然落幕。而结业论文的致谢,是一次脑海里的回忆式片段播放,也是一次五味杂陈的离别。论文写到这,应该是最轻松愉悦的部门,可是却总以为思绪杂乱,没开口的时候以为思维是很充实的,开口了又以为文字太轻。 许多感受你说不出来,难以找到恰当的语言来表达。今天在此提供中英文本科结业论文致谢模板以供参考。中文: 模板一:本课题在选题及研究历程中获得*老师的亲切眷注和悉心指导下完成的。



许多感受你说不出来,难以找到恰当的语言来表达。今天在此提供中英文本科结业论文致谢模板以供参考。中文:  模板一:本课题在选题及研究历程中获得*老师的亲切眷注和悉心指导下完成的。


周老师不仅在学业上给我以经心指导,同时还在思想、生活上给我以无微不至的眷注,在此谨向周老师致以诚挚的谢意和高贵的敬意。  模板二:  历时半载,从论文选题到搜集资料,从开题陈诉、写初稿到重复修改,期间履历了喜悦、聒噪、痛苦和彷徨,在写作论文的历程中心情是如此庞大。如今,陪同着这篇结业论文的最终成稿,庞大的心情烟消云散,自己甚至另有一点成就感。

  ……  最后,我要谢谢四年的大学生活,谢谢**大学班的所有老师同学以及我的家人和那些永远也不能忘记的朋侪,他们的支持与情感,是我永远的财富。  模板三:  历时快要两个月的时间终于将这篇论文写完,在论文的写作历程中遇到了无数的难题和障碍,都在同学和老师的资助下渡过了。尤其要强烈谢谢我的论文指导老师—XX老师,她对我举行了无私的指导和资助,不厌其烦的资助举行论文的修改和革新。

另外,在校图书馆查找资料的时候,图书馆的老师也给我提供了许多方面的支持与资助。在此向资助和指导过我的列位老师表现最中心的谢谢!  谢谢这篇论文所涉及到的列位学者。本文引用了数位学者的研究文献,如果没有列位学者的研究结果的资助和启发,我将很难完成本篇论文的写作。  谢谢我的同学和朋侪,在我写论文的历程中给予我了许多你问素材,还在论文的撰写和排版灯历程中提供热情的资助。

由于我的学术水平有限,所写论文难免有不足之处,恳请列位老师和学友品评和指正!  模板四:  时光荏苒,大学生活即将竣事,四年的学习生活使我受益匪浅。履历泰半年时间的磨砺,结业论文终于完稿,回首泰半年来收集、整理、思索、停滞、修改直至最终完成的历程,我获得了许多的眷注和资助,现在要向他们表达我最诚挚的谢意。  首先,我要深深谢谢我的导师xxx老师。



借此时机,我谨向X老师致以深深地谢意。  其次,我还要谢谢XX大学XX系XXX、XXX等老师,正是因为有了他们严格、无私、高质量的教诲,我才气在这几年的学习历程中罗致专业知识和迅速提升能力;我还要谢谢我的班主任XX老师这几年来对我的体贴、资助与支持;同时也谢谢这三年来与我互勉互励的诸位同学,在列位同学的配合努力之下,我们始终拥有一个良好的生活情况和一个努力向上的学习气氛,能在这样一个团队中渡过,是我极大的荣幸.  同时也谢谢XX,他们以极大的热情,资助我完成了第一手语料的收集,谢谢他们对本文观察事情所提供的鼎力大举资助与支持。我还要谢谢我的家人,我的怙恃和我的爱人,他们给我极大的勉励与朴素的资助。最后,我要谢谢到场我论文评审和答辩的列位老师,他们给了我一个审视几年来学习结果的时机,让我能够明确以后的生长偏向,他们对我的资助是一笔无价的财富。

我将在以后的事情、学习中加倍努力,以期能够取得更多结果回报他们、回报社会。再次谢谢他们,祝他们一生幸福、安康!英文:  结业设计英文致谢模板一:  First and foremost, I shall extend my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Professor Hu Zhijun, for his patient and precious instructions. During the process of this translation practice, he did give me a lot of help. On the one hand, he helped me to check and examine the source text to ensure that the author’s understanding was correct. On the other hand, he guided me in writing this translation report. What impressed me most was his attitude towards work and study. Without his insightful suggestions and help, I was unable to finish this translation task successfully.  Secondly, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to all the teachers who have taught me or given me advice on my studies or daily life. They have helped me a lot when I was confronted with confusions or difficulties. It was their kindness and care that made me study and live happily in Shandong University.  Thirdly, my heart-felt thanks also go to my classmates and roommates who helped me a lot in the completion of this paper. I was grateful for Lu Songdian, Xie Zhiguo, and Zhao Ruizhi who have helped me polish the draft of the translation. Thanks to their hard work and kindhearted help, I was able to make the translation readable and acceptable.  Last but not least, I would like to express my thanks to my beloved parents for their unfailing love and support. For so many years, they have always been supporting me and respecting me. Their love and care are the greatest fortune of my life.  ——By Zhangyan 《A Report on the Translation of Chapter XI of the Tender Documents for Zimbabwe Parliament Building Assistance Project》  结业设计英文致谢模板二:  Firstly, my foremost thanks go to my supervisor, Professor Li Jieping who has given me numerous important suggestions and invaluable guidance during the period of my thesis writing. Her wonderful lectures arouse my strong interest in the study of American literature and she maintains an efficient communication with me to ensure that I can complete the thesis smoothly. Then, I am indebted to her, not just for her supervisory aid but also for her encouragement, wisdom, and friendship over the last three years.  Secondly, my heart-felt thanks also go to Professor Wang Juli and Professor Zhang Fuyong, for their valuable advice and their excellent courses which have nurtured my passion for literature and brought lots of benefits to me. My sincere thanks are also extended to many other respected professors of School of Foreign Languages, Ludong University, especially Professor Chen Zongli, Professor Xiu Xudong and Professor Jia Zhengchuan for their inspiring and insightful lectures.  Thirdly, I would also like to express my sincere thanks to my lovely classmates who have provided me a great deal of help and encouragement during these three years. Particularly, I want to thank my dear roommates Wu Hua, Li Keying and Cui Siyan for their invariable encouragement and friendship.  Finally, I am very grateful to my parents. Only with their selfless support, concern and love, can I overcome those difficulties and pursue my study till now. Their loving considerations and helps are the source of my strength.  ——By Lu Fenghua 《A Study on Evolution of Male-female Relationship in Hemingway’s War Novels from the Perspective of Androgyny》  结业设计英文致谢模板三:  This honor thesis is a gift for my four-year undergraduate career. I started to study US history at Shandong Normal University. To pursue a better education, I transferred to University at Albany, State University of New York, in my junior year. The experience of international moves has generated my research interest in Asian American history and immigration history of the twentieth century. I am enchanted by the myth of "model minority" and the epic of social movements. Through this journey, I find historians can advance contemporary social justice by revealing what we did in the past.  Without the following professors, I would not complete this thesis. Professor Carl Bon Tempo, who met me once a week, is lavish in his praise and constructive criticism for my research. His enlightening advisement guides me to the wonderland of political history writing. Professor Christopher Pastore supervises me working hard at the right pace. His weekly comments on my drafts are priceless. Professor Richard Hamm, Professor Xiu Sun, and Professor David Hochfelder gave me insightful suggestions, especially Professor Michitake Aso taught me to keep integrity forever.  I appreciate all librarians, archivists, and curators who helped me selflessly. Some of them told me the locations of primary sources with enthusiasm. Although I never meet others, their emails saved my time. Research travels were unforgettable adventures for me. Reading archives attracts me a lot, and I believe it will be my life-time pleasure.  I thank all commenters and attendees from academic conferences in which I participated. Their revising suggestions clarified my research approaches, interesting me in academia. I enjoy the interaction with such knowledgeable and modest historians and dream of becoming one of them.  This research received funding from the Center for Undergraduate Research and Creative Engagement of SUNY Albany's Undergraduate Research Grants and the History Department's Research Travel Award. The History Department also awards this thesis William T. Reedy Prize. I extend my gratitude to their recognition and support.  My dearest family gave me the most reliable backing. My mother, Yuan You, educates me anytime and sponsors my study abroad. My father, Wei Zhang, never misses any of my highlights and reminds me when I am arrogant. Papa and Mama, I love you.  Finally, I dedicate this thesis to my grandfather, whose name is Ruchun You. Ruchun means "like spring" in Chinese. Unfortunately, he left us last summer when I searched archives in New York City. He taught me resilience and getting along with people. He would always stay in spring and bless our family.编辑:王。





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